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V1000 Technical Services

V1000 Technical Services

Part Number: 1480000
Regular price £65.00 £0.00 Unit price per
VAT and Shipping Calculated at Checkout

In order to comply with local standards and in response to customer requests, we offer the following servicing options:

  • Functional Check Service and Certificate of Calibration
    The following are checked and assessed:
    Outputs settings, LEDs, membrane keys, intensity control, interface cushion and batteries.
    The outputs are tested to verify that they are within specification at the settings of: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 and 210 BPM.
    A functional test is carried out in conjunction with a foetal heart monitor and the unit is left on a soak test. Upon completion, a certificate of calibration is issued - part number 1480000.
  • Repair Service – This covers the labour on a cost of per-hour basis to repair a returned faulty/damaged V1000. We will provide a quotation before any work is carried out.

Should you wish to utilise one of these services, please advise us of the serial number/s of the unit/s and we will provide you with a returns reference number. When returning units to us, please may we ask that you ensure that the units are returned with a certificate of decontamination status. Please ensure that the item’s packing is adequate and we advise that you use a traceable delivery service.

Please be aware that once the unit is returned to us there is a turnaround time of approximately 1-3 weeks.